Supporting the Journey of Family Recovery

Your life is priceless, and limited in time. How many hours, days or years do you want to spend worrying about something or someone, rather than doing something more actionable?
If you love someone struggling with SUD or Mental Health, you most likely spend an extra amount of time worrying about situations, or about them in general. I want to invite you to be intentional about making time each day to strive for inner freedom or peace.
To continually worry about situations or individuals is not good for your health. It disrupts your sleep, makes you more susceptible to colds and flu and sometimes more severe health concerns.
We all want inner freedom and inner peace. You can find space from worry and discover that peace if you set your mind to it.
Here are some tips;
Worry robs us of the present moment. We become so focussed on the worries of the past or future that we forget the now. Be intentional about living in the present moment. Live for now. That is all that we are promised.
Set aside a time of day to think about your concerns. Keep this time far from your bedtime and allow only an allotted amount of time to spend in this space. Focus on the concerns, then try to let them rest for the remainder of the day.
Journal. Set an allotted amount of time and keep your pen moving for that time. When the time is up-put the pen down.
Take a walk. Find enjoyment in nature. Ideas, solutions and calm may come your way.
Have compassion for yourself. Meeting your fears with compassion rather judgement is a way to move through that discomfort rather than staying in a ruminating process.
Keep a gratitude list. Try to write down 3 things that you are grateful for each day. This will help you remember what is going right for you.
Reflect. Find a few minutes to be alone in your thoughts. Reflection provides space to see what we did well and what we could do better. Reflection allows for growth, and in growth there is hope.
Do something fun. Sometimes we withhold fun from our lives when those around us are not living their best life. Love yourself as you want others to love you. Bring new things into your life-it will make you feel better.
Community. Reach out to others who share the same experiences. Find someone who has walked this path or a support group to process your feelings. with Community is essential in everyone's recovery process.
Meditate. Finding time to focus on the art of breathing will help you feel more calm and centered.
Is it true? Remember that most of the things we worry about never actually happen. The "what if's" that cycle through your thoughts are usually far worse than reality. How is that truth affecting your life and how could it be different if you did not carry that worry as a truth?
Educate yourself. We can feel weak and helpless when we are not informed. There are many resources around substance use and mental health. When you educate yourself, you have more knowledge and will feel more in control.
Remember and understand your values. Knowing who you are and what is important to you will help guide you with wisdom and insight to face any situation.
Embrace the uncertain. The future is unsure and some things are out of your control. Focus on what you can control and regain your power.
Step out of the role of victim. Things may not look the way that you planned. Don't add to the situation by soaking in how miserable you feel. It does not make the pain go away and you remain imprisoned in the story you are creating.
The video, The Time you Have Left ( In Jellybeans), puts our free time in perspective. It is a gentle reminder to consider the time you spend worrying.